Hint: jump past her then turn around and zap her with your Yo-Yo.

As you move right you'll soon see the janitor. Give him a zap as well or he'll mop the floor with you. Literally! Notice the secret passage to the Bathroom Nightmare is located here. Walk back left past the 'Today's Menu' sign. In the separation between the barbed wire wooden railings, go down the stairs by pressing the right arrow key and the down arrow key. At the bottom of the stairs walk right to the first door and Yo-Yo- it. Walk inside the room. You are going to bypass the cell and the nurse....Yippee! Oh no! I knew we would have to deal with the 'jolly green giant ' sooner or later! Just jump under the basket ball when the time is right. Go towards the cell on the other side and Yo-Yo it to open the cell door. Go inside. After a long walk down the hallway to the boys room ....you're caught by the principle, and hauled off to his office. Yo-Yo the yellow button on the left and then cross right to the red button with the phone and Yo-Yo it. But this doesn't always work. What your trying to do here is get the principle to call your parents. They both come to your aid and tell the principle that you couldn't possibly be the culprit. You find yourself back in the hallway with the tall basketball player . Move to the left until you see who the School shadow really is. Why it's Billy! The kid that's always calling you 'Melon head'. Your Done here. Your choice is either the Quilt (press Q) or one of the secret passage ways.


If you start from the Quilt, The Shadow appears and lets you know in no uncertain terms that he wants to 'flush ' you into his nightmare. Down the pipes you go, and get swallowed by a toilet.....charming.

Move to the right and jump from one tub to another. Jump when the tub dips toward you. Use the ctrl and right arrow key to progress.Proceed until you get to the second ladder. Climb up and listen to the 'Growing Up Song'. You will automatically climb down the ladder back to the tubs. Continue on through the tubs to the right past the outhouse. The door of the outhouse, is the
secret passageway to the Attic, Basement and Beyond Nightmare. Move passed it and on into the next room with two windows. There's a large open pipe here. Move to the exact middle of it then press the shift key twice to enter into it. After a short swim through the sewers you'll find yourself in a room full of 'potties' of all different shapes and sizes! The idea here is to jump over all the toilets without falling in. Use a combination of the 'Ctrl' key and 'Left arrow' key to jump over the them. Keep in mind if you do fall in you'll be chased by a snake (a plumbers snake that is) and wind up in a tiny room. To the right is a secret passageway to the Medical Nightmare. To the left is the tub room. Urgh! those tubs! To get around the tubs so that you don't have to go through that nightmare again just go to your left to the second room , Hey! There 's that pipe again. once You are threw with the toilets, it's on to the razors. JeezeLouise! It is tricky to get by these buzzers without getting a close shave, So double back to Between the 4th and 5th toilets, ( the last two ) jump on the handle, then on the top of the 5th toilet, then on top of the 4th toilet, move to the right and hit the dangling rope with your mighty Yo-Yo. Ah! the razors are asleep! Jump on to the 5th toilet and them jump again onto the floor. Jump past thus razors and onto the next large open pipe. Jump into it. Nice! Your in that little room again. Go to the left, back up to the tub room. I guess your back where you started, but this time walk to your left under the ceiling fans and Yo-Yo those mice. Keep doing it until they form a ladder for you. Make sure that you shut off the fan before you start to climb up the mice ladder. You'll have to kill 13 of them to make the ladder. Jump into one of the toilets at the top of the ladder. Ned will become target practice inside a bathtub. He will get himself free and end up in front of the outhouse to the right of the moving bathtubs. And we'll get to say hello to his toilet (Yeesh!)


I've always been afraid of hospitals...Now. you'll hear 'Dentist Waiting Room Music'. Walk to the center of the screen. Jump into the first chair (Hospital) by pressing either the spacebar or the shift key. This contraption turns into a gurney and we're off to the races. As you race down the corridor you'll notice that the Doctors that are peeking out from behind these door are various heights. By using the up or down arrows you can raise or lower the gurney. This is important because if the gurney is in the high position then the short Doctors can't take your organs. And it follows that if the gurney is in the low position then the tall doctors can't get you either.

Good luck on this one folks! The best I managed was to lose 4 organs.

At the end of this mad dash the Organ Replacement Room awaits. So now you have a chance to get back your missing organs. Be successful in this and you'll proceed to the next level and a secret passageway. Fail, and you get to start this whole medical procedure all over again! ....Rats!
Hint: In the Organ Replacement Room, press the space bar while you are spinning around when the arrow points to a jar just after the one with the organ in it. The trick is to do it in a clockwise fashion.

When all the organs are replaced you'll be freed from the operating table and you'll drop down to the floor. If you walk to the right you'll see the secret passageway to the Bathroom Nightmare. If you walk to the left, you'll reenter the Medical Nightmare. Do this, and this time choose the Dentist Chair.

I like the going to the dentist even worse then the doctor!

Well, now you're in somebody's mouth! Walk to the right along the teeth.Use the Yo-Yo to fight the green plaque monsters on the teeth. When you get to the rubber bands, jump on them to help you to jump up and hang on to the braces above you. Then use the right or left arrow to move. Be careful not to get attacked by that crazy dentist too often or you'll lose hours. There are two places to climb into the upper part of the mouth, the tooth with red decay to the right of the first rubber band and the third rubber band. Stay on the RED TOOTH until the mouth closes. Then use the up arrow key to climb the ladder. Say 'hello' to your Fairy Godmother Gingivitis! You will automatically climb down to the teeth when this part is done at the third rubber band. Yo-Yo the two decaying teeth resting on this rubber band, then walk to the middle of the rubber band to where a gap in the upper teeth is. Press the 'Shift' key, and you'll jump up through the gap. Meet the King of the Mouth: 'The Uvula'. After Uvula's song you return back onto the rubber band. Continue on fighting your way through the plaque and if your lucky, you'll get to see Dr. Klutzchnik, Ned's own Dentist. If you've done everything your supposed to do, you'll be returned to the Black Medical Room again where you can either choose one of the chairs one more time, or exit through one of the
secret passageways.

Note: This one was the hardest one for me.


Nightmare ned game

You'll start out in the cat room. Get rid of the cat on the far right ladder. Then the cat on the left hand side. Between these two ladders is a very weak board. Fall through the board and come face to face with Madame Leota!

Well, I don't know if this is her real name but she sure looks like a Madame Leoata..

Walk over to her and she'll begin to read the stars and planets for you. But she needs your help. You've go to catch one of those objects flying around the room. Go for the chair. Stand to the right of the table and try towhack it with your Yo-Yo. When you've go it right the chair will stand on top of the table. Use the ctrl key to jump up onto those gray planet models on the floor in front of the table and then onto the chair. Next try to Yo-Yo the table . Once you get that use the shift button to jump up onto the table. Now go for the gold. The Vacuum cleaner! Have a whack that that one. Now all you have to do is climb the ladder. Just don't forget to hop over that red, white and blue area rug ...or you'll fall in again.Walk to the left and Yo-Yo the phonograph. A trap door will open. If you walk into it you can either go to The Bathroom Nightmare just follow the screen to the left or return to the attic through the box on the right. Back up in the attic walk over to the moving carton and Yo-Yo it. Continue on left and Yo-Yo that bird cage. Try the lamp next and then enter behind the screens. (There are three different silhouettes to be seen here by crossing behind the screens). Walk over to the bookcase. Yo-Yo the bookcase and it will start to spin. Go through the spinning door and then down the stairs. If you go to your left you'll get a super wedgie! Walk down the staircase until you meet the Dragon head on the wall. Yo-Yo the dragon head to hear some interesting poetry. Climb back up the stairs and go left, towards the 'Wedgie Wall'. There's some strange stuff up here. YO-YO those weird stuffed animals but don't lose your head. Then walk over to the ladder box and give it a Yo-Yo as well.Well. lookie there: a green ladder. Go ahead and climb up. If you go to the right : that's the entrance to the Medical Nightmare. Walk to the left, towards the glowing eyes. Just follow along to your left until you see the sizzling steak. Hit it with you trusty Yo-Yo. Now these doggies have dinner. Look, they're so grateful that they made you a ladder. Climb it before something else happens. Well, what do we have here? Whack those two with your Yo-Yo before they blow us all up! Well at least until they throw away their golden key. Keep moving to the right.

Lunch anyone?

Can you whack that pepper shaker? Well, what do you know ? Yet another form of Ladder. This one made out of bones. Climb up.

Oh come on, don't be such a slug!


Gee, I guess you really are a slug..


..I'm sorry....I'll try to be more patient.

Continue up the tree until you fall off. Be careful though, that crazy lady is shaking salt all over the place.

Slugs don't like salt, do they? Oh well...

Hurry as best you can towards the little slug hole on the right. After you go through that hole you should be feeling like more of yourself. Climb up the ladder and jump onto the spring which will take you up to the top of a tree. And just think....you get to meet Sally! and her doll.

Ending the game is actually a little harder than you might think. Remember that you only have 8 saves.. And you'll lose one each time you utilize the 'Quilt' or 'Q' key. Try to keep at least 3 saves free. And near the end of your game go back to the 'Quilt' and take a look at each of the Shadows and their entry ways. If they are completed they will no longer be Shadows. If they are not, and still have some 'Shadow' left on them then you'll need to go back to the corresponding Nightmare to finish some more tasks. Once it's all done You'll wake up into your parents arms.
...But the shadows will still have their say.

Secret Passages

The Graveyard Nightmare:

Alcatraz Academy
the tall gravestone with the lavender colored angel on top. Yo-Yo the symbol on her skirt
The coffin after the large Mausoleum
Inside the Large Mausoleum
Attic, Basement & Beyond

Bathroom Nightmare:

in the 'fan room' on the towel next to the switch.
in the small bathroom ...to the right, in the cupboard. You can get there by falling through one of the toilets in the 'potty room'.
Attic, Basement & Beyond
after the tub room. IT'S THE OUTHOUSE
Alcatraz Academy
in the tub room jump to the right into the tubs and climb up the first ladder

Nightmare Ned Game Pc 1990s

Alcatraz Academy Nightmare:

Coffin on first floor after you crawl through the square opening under the stairs
on the first floor opposite the Coffin near the stairs
the door to the left of the janitor with the mop on the second floor.
Attic, Basement & Beyond
inside the locker after you win the 4 games

Nightmare Ned Game Play Online

Medical Nightmare:

Break the first gray bottom tooth after the single root canal Then use the right or left arrow to move.
You gain access to this after you replace your missing organs Go to the Right.
Attic, Basement & Beyond
Alcatraz Academy
Break the first gray bottom tooth

Attic, Basement & Beyond Nightmare:

After you've climbed up the ladder that has the spring at the top...enter the car.
is in the basement to the left of the boiler.
After you climb the vine ladder in the attic. Go to your right.
Alcatraz Academy
In the cat room. Get rid of the cat on the far right ladder, then use that ladder to enter the school.

Nightmare Ned Game Music

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